Regenerating bone naturally

Phycografts derived from red algae

In the early 80‘s, Professor Dr. Dr. Rolf Ewers and his team in Kiel, Germany started a project for a natural porous, biological but non-animal alternative for bone grafting. In this context, he came up with marine red algae, which form a unique interconnected microporous lime skeleton to stabilise the plant structure (cell walls) similar to human dentin and bone. This was the nativity of the algae derived (phycogenic) inorganic, interconnected-microporous calcium phosphate bone grafts.

At that time, the pure hydroxyapatite granulate was developed from red algae. This first plant derived hydroxyapatite (HA, AlgOss 100) proved to be an osseoconductive, almost completely resorbable biomaterial, safe and effective in clinical use since 1989, firstly sold by Friedrichsfeld GmbH under the brand name Algipore.

The biphasic bone graft AlgOss 20-80 is the further development of the pure phycogenic HA in order to accelerate the resorption of this natural material. It is a composite consisting of 20 % hydroxyapatite and 80 % ß-tricalcium phosphate.

Due to their natural origin, the chemical composition of the biological AlgOss products is very similar to the mineral part of human bone in regards to the calcium phosphate and trace elements content.

In addition, they offer a highly porous guiding structure/matrix as scaffold which is gradually degraded and replaced by newly formed vital bone.

  • Restore lost bone naturally
  • Biologic “vegan” plant alternative to Allo- and Xenografts
  • Sustainably produced from regrowing marine algae
  • Unobjectionable from a medical, ethical, and religious point of view
  • The world’s only resorbable, purely inorganic bone forming materials on plant origin

  • Augmentation or reconstruction of the alveolar ridge
  • Maxillary sinus elevation grafting
  • Treatment of bony defects e.g.:
    • after cystectomy
    • root resection or
    • periodontal defects
  • Extraction socket grafting to enhance preservation of alveolar ridge
  • Filling of bone defects (periodontal- or peri-implant defects) in conjunction with membranes for guided tissue regeneration (GTR)

In cases where volume constancy is important over a longer period the pure hydroxyapatite AlgOss 100 is recommended to ensure longer volume stability.

In defects with extensive contact surface to local bone, the biphasic product with high tricalciumphosphate content (80%) AlgOss 20-80 leads to faster bone regeneration.